
GoFullPage - Full Page Screen Capture

Capture a screenshot of your current page in entirety and reliably—without requesting any extra permissions!

Using the Screen Capture API

In this article, we will examine how to use the Screen Capture API and its getDisplayMedia() method to capture part or all of a screen for streaming, recording ...


The simplest and most reliable Chrome extension for taking a screenshot of an entire webpage. In one click screenshot a full page. FAQs · Go Premium · Contact Sales · GoFullPage Blog


Instantly turn your screenshot into a beautiful website mockup. Customize the browser mockup window, background and much more.


Create mobile or browser mockups from screenshots in seconds. Screenshot.rocks turns ordinary browser screenshots into beautiful mockups.

Browser Screenshots – WordPress 外掛

評分 4.8 (19) · 免費 使用程式碼產生螢幕擷圖. 使用外掛提供的 BrowserShots::get_shot 方法,便可以在佈景主題中使用這個外掛建立網站螢幕擷圖。 ... 請注意,如果要達成這個目的,必須安裝外掛並 ...

Browser Screenshots

評分 4.8 (19) · 免費 The plugin uses the 'mshots' functionality, from WordPress.com, to automatically take screenshots of websites. This function is free for non-commercial use.

Screenshot Testing On Real Browsers & Devices

Generate Screenshots of your Website on Chrome, IE, Firefox and Safari to test for Cross Browser compatibility on desktop browsers and real mobile devices. Screenshots API · Browsers & Platforms · Support

Can a website take screenshots of my PC or my Brower ...

You can capture the whole screen with Screen Capture API. Yes, permission is required, but the ScreenCaptureAllowedByOrigins policy can grant ...

How to screenshot on Chrome (+ a full page screenshot)

With the web page open, press command + shift + S (on Mac) or Ctrl + Shift + S (on Windows). Click Capture full ...


Captureascreenshotofyourcurrentpageinentiretyandreliably—withoutrequestinganyextrapermissions!,Inthisarticle,wewillexaminehowtousetheScreenCaptureAPIanditsgetDisplayMedia()methodtocapturepartorallofascreenforstreaming,recording ...,ThesimplestandmostreliableChromeextensionfortakingascreenshotofanentirewebpage.Inoneclickscreenshotafullpage.FAQs·GoPremium·ContactSales·GoFullPageBlog,Instantlytur...

Maxthon 遨遊瀏覽器免安裝中文版

Maxthon 遨遊瀏覽器免安裝中文版
